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  • Benessere Bellezza Estetica Salute
  • Benessere Bellezza Estetica Salute
  • Benessere Bellezza Estetica Salute



This treatment, extremely pleasant and enveloping, is suitable for those who have little time available, as the execution times are reduced. The treatment must be pleasant, otherwise lower the power to the desired level (kpa). (always respect times and changes  preset of the program).

Start the treatment from the back (easy wave handpieces) with the aim of loosening the tensions of the metamers so as to restore the correct functionality of the organs (primary cause of the various imperfections).

Continue the work (double wave handpieces) working in synchrony on the back of the legs, massaging from the ankles to the buttocks alternating the maneuvers as shown.

Focus the treatment (double wave handpieces) on the thigh making symmetrical movements from the knee to the groin, alternating the maneuvers as shown.

Treat the abdomen (easy wave handpieces) with rhomboid movements, starting from the solar plexus as shown, in order to release tension in the diaphragm and stimulate the various reflex points.

Treat the face (facial wave handpieces) starting the maneuvers from the chin, cheeks and forehead, always discharging at the height of the mandibular joint.





This treatment is indicated for those who suffer from skin laxity, panniculus adipose, water retention and cellulite. The treatment must be pleasant, otherwise lower the power to the desired level (kpa). (always respect preset times and program changes).

​ The treatment (easy wave handpieces) is started from the back by loosening the metamers, so as to act reflexively on the corresponding organs and restore their correct functionality.

Drain the legs (double wave handpieces) from the ankle towards the buttock alternating the maneuvers as shown, continue the treatment (easy wave handpieces) focusing on the buttock to dissolve the fat and cellulite with specific maneuvers as shown.

Release tension in the neck, shoulders and chest by performing a manual massage.

​ Treat the abdomen with circular movements following the path of the large intestine, then carry out maneuvers from the outside towards the center of the abdomen with the aim of dissolving cellulite and fat.


This treatment is particularly suitable for people who suffer from mental and physical fatigue and severe stress. The treatment must be pleasant, otherwise lower the power to the desired level (kpa). (always respect times and changes  preset of the program).

Start the treatment from the face (facial wave handpieces) focusing particularly on the forehead area, always discharging at the height of the jaw.

Continue the work with the treatment of the head (vibrating handpieces) for 2 minutes and then linger delicately for a further 2 minutes in the nape / cervical area.

From the cervical nape area, move towards the chest and complete the maneuvers as shown.


Always start from the nape / cervical area and continue sliding along the arms to accustom the client to the change, then focusing first on one arm then on the other with the maneuvers seen in detail.

Treat the abdomen (easy wave handpieces) with rhomboid movements, starting from the solar plexus and discharging the navel underneath.

Massage (double wave handpieces) the thighs one at a time, massaging from the knee to the groin alternating the maneuvers as shown.

Treat (double wave handpieces), one leg at a time, making movements that go from the ankle to the buttocks.

End the session by slowly massaging the back (easy wave handpieces) alternating all the movements shown and repeating them in series until the end of the program.



This treatment is indicated for those with muscle contractures and muscle fatigue. The treatment must be pleasant, otherwise lower the power to the desired level (kpa). (always respect times and changes  program presets).

​ Starting the treatment from the back (easy wave handpieces) releasing the tension of the metamers, it is important to focus on the liver metamer  and gallbladder organs most involved in muscle problems

Continue the work by untying the knots in the legs (double wave handpieces) as shown by alternating the maneuvers.

Dissolve the contractures in the front legs  (double wave handpieces), as shown by alternating the maneuvers.

​ Massage the abdomen (easy wave handpieces) with rhomboid movements to release tension in the diaphragm and stimulate the reflex points of the underlying organs. Finish the treatment by manually releasing tension in the neck and shoulders.

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